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Single permit update – increase of all Regional minimum salary thresholds (PwC Legal)

Author: PwC Legal

Publication date: 13/12/2019

All 3 Regional Authorities have increased the minimum salary thresholds for work and/or single permit holders. Please find below an overview of the increased salary thresholds for 2020:

Flanders Region Brussels & Wallloon Region
Highly qualified employee EUR 42,696 gross/year* EUR 42,869 gross/year
Managerial employee EUR 68,314 gross/year

EUR 71,521 gross/year

European Blue Card EUR 51,235 gross/year

EUR 55,431 gross/year

* For highly qualified employees under 30 years of age working in the Flemish Region under a Belgian employment contract, the minimal salary is lowered to 80% = EUR 34,156.80 gross per year.

Entry into force

The above new amounts are effective as from 1 January 2020 for all new applications and extensions.

If, in 2019, an application has already been submitted for an upcoming position for 2020, the Regional Authorities might ask for a formal declaration by the employer stating that the new minimum salary threshold will be complied with.

Single permit for more than one year: yearly assessment

We would like to remind you that, for single permits delivered for more than 1 year by the Walloon or Brussels Region, the employer still must prove that the conditions of employment continue to be met after each year of employment in Belgium. Therefore, on the anniversary date of the employment authorisation, the employer must provide the Regional Authorities the payslips for the previous period of employment and the individual account.

If you require additional information regarding the increased salary thresholds, feel free to contact one of our experts.

Read the original article here

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