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na 1 januari 2025:
een handleiding voor de bestuurder
Mr. Joris De Vos (Dentons)
Webinar op dinsdag 25 maart 2025
De afschaffing van de quasi-immuniteit van de bestuurder: waarom delegatie én compliance nog belangrijker zijn geworden
Mr. Stijn De Meulenaer en mr. Fien Schreurs (Everest)
Webinar op dinsdag 18 februari 2025
Het belang van exit regelingen
voor aandeelhouders:
6 exit methoden onder de loep
Mr. Francis van der Haert (Cazimir)
Webinar op donderdag 22 mei 2025
Shareholders’ rights directive proposal and the implications for Belgian listed companies (Stibbe)
The European Parliament has voted on the proposal for a revised shareholders’ rights directive (the EP Proposal). The financial crisis had shown that many shortcomings in corporate governance of listed companies contributed to the financial crisis. With its initial proposal of 2014, the European Council aimed to enhance effective and long-term shareholder engagement within listed companies. Furthermore, it is envisaged that listed companies will benefit from identifiable shareholders that are engaged and use their voting rights in a well-informed manner.
This short read will describe the key elements of the EP Proposal, as well as a brief evaluation of those key elements for Belgian law and practice of listed companies in particular.
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