Het gewijzigd Benelux merkenrecht trad 1 maart 2019 in werking (K law)

Auteurs: Thomas Degraeve en Lise Paulussen (K law) Publicatiedatum: 01/03/2019 Het Benelux-Verdrag inzake de Intellectuele Eigendom (‘BVIE’) werd aangepast aan de nieuwe Europese Merkenrichtlijn nr. 2015/2436. Deze aanpassingen traden 1 maart 2019 in werking. Hierna lichten wij kort enkele belangrijke nieuwigheden toe. Vereisten voor merkenregistraties Een belangrijke wijziging voor de praktijk betreft de regeling omtrent de nieuwe vereisten…

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Posting of workers : New EU rules approved (K law)

Authors: Alexis Ceuterick and Maxim Ruysschaert (K law) Date of publication: 0307/2018 On June 21, 2018, the European Council of Ministers of Work formally approved the revision of Directive 96/71/EC on the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services (hereafter: Posting of Workers Directive). The Posting of Workers Directive only relates to…

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Flexi-jobs in the retail will be possible as from January 1, 2018 (K law)

Authors: Alexis Ceuterick and Sara Beutels (K law) Date of publication: 05/12/2017 With the draft program act of 6 November 2017 which is expected to enter into force on 1 January 2018, the Belgian legislator expands the scope of the flexi-jobs in the catering industry to other industries such as a.o. the retail industry (Joint Committee 201 and Joint…

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The summer of 2017 brings a lot of social law novelties… (Klaw)

Authors: Alexis Ceuterick and Sara Beutels (Klaw) Date of publication: 28/08/2017 On July 26, 2017, the Belgian federal government reached an agreement on the budget for 2018, the so called “Summer Agreement”, which includes numerous (ambitious) social law measures. The measures still need to be further detailed via specific legislation but in a nutshell the following novelties…

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